We are rethinking embedded programming that brings artifical intelligence, energy saving and safety together, using universal and holistic programming concepts that simplify future-proof smart systems, internet of things, self-driving vehicles, robots, and more ....

Software will be the biggest energy consumer

Software needs electrical energy in order to execute. Most software waste valuable energy due to inadequate design principles. Uprising markets of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) need to be energy-conscious and this requires new software design principles.

Ultra-low power hardware is used to reduce the power consumption of devices. However, the hardware's energy-functions cannot be properly used by the power-hungry software. Also energy-saving software drivers are not as effective as we have hoped for, especially when the software is not designed proparly. We need to change our view on software to make truly ultra-low power applications.

Energy Star logo

We have researched and developed fundamental software design principles for developing energy-saving and durable embedded software for devices. These principles are superior in many ways. Most importantly, it stops wasting energy with real-time performance. Give your software an energy star.

Durable software is the future

Durable software is reliable, robust, energy-saving and future-proof software, with no waste and with reuse of everything. Durable software is perhaps the ideal software every software developer wants to create. Durability is all about benefits. Traditional programming has no basis for durability. Therefore it is known to be hard and expensive. Our research and development created a next generation programming paradigm to make truely durable software simple and accessible. It's called Waza -- a universal framework that rules all embedded issues.

Durability is all about !

One framework to rule them all

does exist when it's based on
simple and universal programming concepts

Wazalogic is dedicated to the research, design, and development of embedded software solutions. We can assist you to develop durable software for your iot devices, robots or machines. Our scientific solutions are simple, ultra fast, productive and universal. This adds up to an outstanding "time-to-market" and gives your company a major competitive edge. There is no vendor lock-in!


We create the most powerful platform for the Internet of Things

Today, Internet of Things are simple sensor networks. Tomorrow, Internet of Things become eco-systems of smart devices, robots, machines and services. We specialize in the future of iot devices. This is a new era where traditional software techniques cannot keep up. Therefore, we developed the most powerful software platform to create durable and organic software that scales well with the complexities of systems.

The best programming model for Robot Operating Systems

Your specialty is creating the critical components for your robot based on mathematical models or simulation models. How do you integrate these critical components such that their behaviors flow together as one? Object-oriented designs and scheduling algorithms cannot cover the wide concerns of the robot and they easily fail! You need an anatomy in software that glues the components together for a smooth and energy-efficient behavior of the robot. Check our Waza programming framework and create your own durable Robot Operation System and build the anatomy that brings artficial intelligence to life.
  • Humanoid
  • Pathfinder
  • Drone

About Waza

Learn about Waza

Waza is the new generation programming paradigm for creating high performance and high quality software for mission-critical systems. It will let you benefit from concurrency in many ways, whether you are a designer, programmer, architect, tester, stakeholder or customer.
Learn about Waza

Waza is freemium

The Waza tools are free for non-commercial use and premium for commercial use. It’s open source only for our customers and there is no vendor lock-in.


A variety of research projects are in progress.


Waza is a true “silver bullet” for software developers and business.
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Wazalogic is an R&D company headquarted in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
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Research and Development

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    ARM gets true concurrency

    Waza is now ready for the ARM processor family. Waza includes a new generation RTOS. It is very different from traditional RTOSes, such as FreeRTOS and cmsis-rtos. Traditional RTOSes add multithreading to the ARM, whereas Waza adds true concurrency to the ARM. With Waza, your application will truly benefit from concurrency. It makes your application simpler, faster, more parallel and more secure. A great benefit is that your application will perfectly fit on the hardware and it scales perfectly well with the parallel complexities of the application.
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    We make FreeRTOS disappear

    FreeRTOS is a cross platform real time operating system. It is included in many SDKs by microprocessor manufacturers. FreeRTOS provides multithreading but it does NOT provide true concurrency. We need concurrency to build durable software for complex systems. Waza for C++ uses FreeRTOS under the hood and the Waza API replaces multithreading by true concurrency. Waza and FreeRTOS are a great combination for building portable applications.
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    Waza makes the ESP8266/ESP32 a parallel computing unit

    Espressif’s ESP8266 and ESP32 are low-cost, ultra low-power and Wifi-enabled microprocessors for building smart connected devices. The latest ESP32 is a duo core microprocessor designed for great performance, robustness, versatility and reliablity. Waza makes parallel and event-driven programming on the ESP8266/ESP32 easy, fast and reliable. It provides a smart way to develop robust, versatile, reliable and energy-saving software for this platform. The energy-saving programming concepts perfectly fit with the low-power functions of the microprocessor.

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    We bring true concurrency to C++

    Have you heard of the term concurrency? Concurrency is invaluable for developing systems. You will build better systems with concurrency than without it. Now, we bring true concurrency to C++. The Waza API for C++ is developed for high-speed and real-time devices. Waza will replace your difficult-to-use multithreading stuff with simple-to-use concurrency without performance loss. It provides you programming concepts that enable you to use threads without designing with threads. Say goodbye to the good-old, error-prone and difficult-to-use RTOSes.
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    Waza is ready for Java Embedded

    Oracle Java ME Embedded is a Java runtime deployed in billions of devices around the world in the Internet of Things. Applications based on Waza are portable across many devices, yet leverage each device's native capabilities. Waza provides a busy-polling-free, no-waste-of-cycles and a truly event-driven programming model to deliver energy-efficient embedded software that increases battery life.

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